Usefulness of Aloe Vera
Aloe vera, it contains many nutrients needed by the body. Components to form a gel which is mostly water reached 99.5% of the total, and total dissolved solids with only 0.49%, 0.067% fat, carbohydrates 0.043%, 0.038% protein, 0.49% vitamins, vitamin C 3.476 mg. While the high nutrient content in it is vitamin C.
Here are some of the content of aloe vera and its benefits:
Reducing sugar in the blood.
One of the substances contained in the aloe vera is the aloe emodin, an organic compound from the group antrokuinon signals that activate the insulin levels of insulin-like perceiving and beta-substrat1, phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase and increased the rate of glycogen synthesis by inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, so very useful for reducing blood sugar ratio. In addition, according to Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, the benefits of aloe vera have been hypoglycemic. Which can reduce blood glucose (blood sugar) in people with diabetes.
Antiseptic drugs & medicine burns
Because aloe latex (yellow juice extracted from the outer layer of leaves) contain molecules with a strong laxative effect (called “anthranoids”), the plants can be effective in cases of constipation. These benefits are also recognized by the WHO and shown in several studies.
Regeneration of the skin
Rich in antioxidants (flavonoids, vitamin C, beta-carotene), aloe vera has anti-aging will. A study conducted in Turkey, 2009, showed that aloe vera can help to regenerate skin tissue. Moreover, it can diminish scars and lines white lines / red due to pregnancy or strecth marks, treating minor cuts and scratches from the knife cut and fade the black spots on the skin.
Helps digestion
Studies have shown aloe vera gel to repel and destroy toxins and other foreign material that is usually attached to the intestine. Toxins and foreign substances that attach to the gut is very dangerous because it results in the accumulation of waste that can block the intestinal tract and reduces the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Benefits of aloe vera is to eliminate waste and help in the setting of acid. This can prevent you from suffering from indigestion and can also cleanse the blood and improve circulation to normal.
Natural Beauty Tips With Aloe Vera
Aloe vera plant contains glyco protein.
In addition to hair care, aloe vera is also beneficial for skin care. Want to know? Listen on this article.
Aloe vera also contains Lignin.
Well, this substance is very beneficial to the skin, especially skin retain moisture so the skin does not dry out and remains elastic. Not only that, the substance proved Lignin can also prevent skin allergies. It also contains anthraquinone and the amino acid, which is very useful for renewing skin and removes dead skin cells.
Aloe vera also contains saponins.
The benefits of this substance is as an anti-bacterial and anti fungal. Because the inside of the aloe vera also has an acidity similar to human skin, it can easily sink a well on human skin. If you are using it regularly, then you will get a healthy skin, naturally beautiful and radiant. One more thing is also important to note, that? Aloe vera can also be used to mask the face, because it contains antioxidants, which are useful to tighten the skin and prevent premature aging.
… apparently a lot of benefit from the aloe vera plant is not only useful for health but also useful to us that we still look pretty natural.
Healthy Aloe Vera jelly
Aloe Vera is a decorative plant pot that many meet in homes, Aloe Vera is also easily grown in the garden or the environment around us. However, it turns out that aloe Vera plant has many beneficial substances to cure various diseases.
Aloe Vera leaves contain most of the leaf pulp or meat containing lymph and sticky. While the outside leaves of a thick skin that has chlorophyll. Quantitatively, a protein found in aloe vera role in a small amount, but a qualitative protein-rich aloe vera essential amino acids, especially leucine, lysine, valine and histidine. Beside rich in essential amino acids, aloe vera gel is also rich in glutamic acid and aspartic acid. Vitamins in aloe vera are fat soluble, but it also contained folic acid and small amounts kholin
Nutritional substances contained in the gel (meat) aloe vera is quite complete, among other things, vitamin A, B, C, E, choline, inositol, and folic acid. While the mineral content of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, and chromium. Combined vitamin and mineral elements in these plants serve as natural antioxidants, among others, can prevent heart attacks and premature aging to prevent DNA damage caused by free radicals.
At present, it is no longer strange when we find in a grocery store aloe vera which is packaged as a beverage, and food. In addition to cultivated outside the body care products, aloe vera it can be consumed by the process into food products. Like nata de aloe, syrup, tea, juices, cocktails, jelly, jam and aloe vera lunched.
After knowing the various properties of aloe vera and its use, there is no harm if we start trying this one natural ingredients to protect our health and family by making your own products, both for consumption as well as a business opportunity venture. One is the processing into jam.
Butter is a food product is viscous or semisolid mixture of 45 made from any part of the weight of fruit (chopped fruit) and 55 parts by weight of sugar. The three main ingredients in the process of making jam or jelly is pectin, acid, and sugar with a specific ratio to produce a good product.
Aloe vera is a material jam in the form of pasta that high sugar yield and meat porridge made from aloe vera. Making this material is not difficult, and the cost is not expensive.
Here is a simple way to process aloe vera into jam:
1. 1 kg of meat aloe vera.
2. 500 grams of Sugar.
3. 0.1% ascorbic acid or 1 gram per liter of water or 0.2% citric acid or 2 grams per liter.
4. 0.5% sodium benzoate or 5 grams per kg of meat aloe vera.
5. 3 grams of gelatin powder or ½ pack.
2. 500 grams of Sugar.
3. 0.1% ascorbic acid or 1 gram per liter of water or 0.2% citric acid or 2 grams per liter.
4. 0.5% sodium benzoate or 5 grams per kg of meat aloe vera.
5. 3 grams of gelatin powder or ½ pack.
How to Make
1. Aloe vera is clean soaked in a solution of ascorbic acid for 15 minutes, then drained and crushed using a blender.
2. The results of this debris is heated for a moment, then added sugar, citric acid, and jelly.
3. Heated to boiling, stirring frequently, then add the preservative benzoic acid.
4. If the gel has formed, heating is stopped and the foam on the surface of the jam removed.
5. Jam packed in bottles ready.
2. The results of this debris is heated for a moment, then added sugar, citric acid, and jelly.
3. Heated to boiling, stirring frequently, then add the preservative benzoic acid.
4. If the gel has formed, heating is stopped and the foam on the surface of the jam removed.
5. Jam packed in bottles ready.
Aloe Vera Cultivation Technique 5
- Leaves no defects or injuries
– Smooth green leaf color
– Leaves no foul
– The leaves have a tough texture.
– Smooth green leaf color
– Leaves no foul
– The leaves have a tough texture.
Aloe Vera Cultivation Technique 4
Pest and disease control
The pests that usually attack the aloe vera leaf in the garden is caterpillar and snail. Way control can be done physically by killing pests encountered. Do the control of pests and diseases by spraying pesticides, if the attack was a lot. Use pesticides in accordance with the recommended dosage listed on the packaging label
While the disease that often affects the aloe vera is a stem rot caused by Fusarium sp. Control is to keep up cleanliness and humidity of the garden environment. If the aloe vera plant that is attacked, it must immediately remove and pile in the soil.
Disposal of decaying leaves
Disposal of decaying leaves should be done regularly, can also be done in conjunction with the weeding. Disposal of crop residue is not arbitrary because it will be a source of disease transmission to healthy plants, preferably crop residues in soil was backfield.
Separation of puppies
Aloe vera is 5-6 months old, the seedlings have started to come out around the plants from the buried stem. Puppies should be separated so that the growth of the parent plants are not disturbed. Separation of the seedlings should be done carefully by using a sharp knife so as not to interfere with the parent plant roots. Tillers result of this separation can be planted in the nursery as a source of seed.
Sports fields
Aloe vera plant would seem to flourish after the age of 3 months after planting. Began to spread its roots and leaves growing both the number and magnitude, so it would be a burden to the stem and roots. To avoid a fall by the burden of leaves, the stems should be strengthened with the establishment of membumbunnya way. Pembumbunan done by moving the ground from the left and right rows of crops all around the plant so that the planting beds will be created on a regular basis. Subsequently transferred the land which the former serves as a drainage channel between the beds, which can channel excess water from the garden.
Aloe Vera Cultivation Technique 3
Maintenance of Plant
Plant maintenance activities include replanting, watering, weeding, fertilizing, pest and disease control, disposal of rotten leaves, and plant growth.
Seeds used to embroider from nursery seedlings in a nursery that had been left to spare. Stitching may still have continued during the rest of the planting material in land plants.
Way of watering can be selected in accordance with existing conditions. If water is available a lot of watering, watering can be done by pouring water into a pool with the trenches. In this way the water is expected to percolate uniformly through the root zone. After the state media should be moist enough water puddles immediately discarded. If the plant aloe vera plant that we are not a lot of watering or planting in a container made enough use of hype.
Aloe vera is planted with a spacing of clear and orderly, so that weeding can be done by means cungkir or sickle. To avoid injury to the stem of aloe vera by a crescent, then for weeding around the trunk should be done without tools by pulling them.
For irrigation ditches between beds or between the grass-grown, can be used hoes.
Subsequent fertilization
The amount of organic fertilizer used depends on the condition of crops and soil fertility, because organic fertilizers are not toxic to plants, then more is better. However, as a reference can be given as much as two kilograms of planting. If require additional chemical fertilizers, provide 20 grams of urea and 5 grams of KCl, each for one plant. Method of administration were buried around the plant that before built a small array. Fertilization is done every 6 months.
Aloe Vera Cultivation Technique 2
Planting plant materials
Planting material used in the breeding of aloe vera taken from seedlings that grow around the parent plant.
Puppies are taken about the size of your thumb with the number 3 or 4 leaves leaf midrib. Seedlings were planted in the garden soil with a distance of 25 cm x 25 cm. To use polybag seedlings planted one seedling per polybag, polybag and then arranged neatly.
Preparation of planting
Aloe vera is a plant stem shrub height not more than one meter and has roots that are not long. Therefore, aloe vera can be grown on land even in the narrow terraces of the house. Thus Aloe vera can be grown on land or in containers such as pot or bucket.
Planting Seeds
After the bed is formed and then made the planting hole with the distance between holes in a single row planting was 0.8 meters (in a raised bed there is a row of plants). The magnitude of the planting hole 30 cm x 30 cm with a depth of 30 cm for the placement of manure.
For container planting use must first prepare the growth media is a mixture of loose soil and manure in the ratio 2:1 (two parts of soil mixed with one part manure). The container can be used pots, plastic buckets or plastic poly bag as long as the volume is more than 10 liters. For the cultivation of aloe vera should use a pot or bucket container, because aloe vera has a long life so it does not often change because of damaged container. Load the media into a container with 10 grams of added urea, 10 grams of SP-36 and 5 grams of KCl and mix until blended. Planting seeds such as aloe vera plant on the bed.
Aloe Vera Cultivation Technique 1
Seeding is the place to grow and maintain small plant until the plant material is ready to be planted on the land. There are two ways you can do for the aloe vera plant seeds in the garden and in a plastic bag (polybag).
Preparation of garden nursery
Along with the provision of soil tilling manure or compost as much as 2 kg per m2 are mixed evenly. Chemical fertilizers can also be added to SP-36 as much as 20 grams per m2.
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